my job
I am a creative director and story architect. In practice I service the narrative of every commercial project in a meaningful way for the context; whether as a contributor, a curator, or demolitions expert and custodian. It’s being the storyteller an audience needs, not what they deserve. Whatever it takes to make a mind simmer or sparkle, my job is about human connection. Plus an invoice.
I'm a lifetime storyteller with a double decade career in advertising and communications. Born and raised in Brooklyn when it wasn’t cool. Visited over 40 countries. Studied Chemistry in undergrad, dropped it for Philosophy. Toured Europe as a dancer. A patron of the Arts. Mad scientist in the kitchen. Voracious gamer. Recorded an album. Wrote an epistolary novel. Shoots in RAW. Leaves tips in palindromes. Loves pilsners and city biking but never together. And most of all, moms.
Rocky Newton, Evan Kereiakas, Nelly Chatué-Diop, Carlos Franco, Andreas Baumert, Bill Dederer, Carolyn Flood, Leba Haber, Kaytee Miller, Brandon King, Meghan Udell
Accenture, Bacardi, Bank of America, Brooklyn Beverages, Bungie, Celo, Dominos, Ejara, ESPN, Guinness, HBO, House of Horology, Hyatt, Kellogg’s, Lexus, LG, Lumina, MGM, Madison Square Garden, MSNBC, Node, NotMilk, Orange UK, Purina, Sony, Ubeswap, Vanguard, Verizon, WB Games, Xerox, Zeko
BBDO, Deep Focus, DTK, Edelman, Ford Foundation, Initiative, JWT, Martin Agency, MKTG, Sekret Agent Productions, Sparks & Honey, TPN, Uhuru, VML
awards (click for links)
Gold Winner, Best News/Information Program Spot, Promaxbda, "I Need My Morning Joe: Election Frontrunner", MSNBC, 2016
Winner Outstanding Achievement in Story, DICE Awards, "Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor", Monolith, 2015
Best Consumer Goods Website: Internet Advertising Competition, "The Next Big Thing", LG, 2010
Gold Cyber Lion for Best Use of Digital Media: Cannes, "TheStoryGetsDeeper", HBO, 2008
Gold Lion for Best Integrated Promotional Campaign: Cannes, "HBOVoyeur", HBO, 2008
Winner Huffington Post Contagious Media Festival: "AdoptBlackGirls.com", Ford Foundation, Sept 2006
Best in Politics: Webby Awards, "WeaponsofMisdirection.com", Ford Foundation, 2005
Gold Award for Internal Communications: IVCA, "Guinness Brand Film", Interbrand, 2002
NYU Tisch, ITP Interactive Technology Program, Master's Degree
Princeton University, Philosophy Bachelor's Degree
storyteller, narrative designer, television writer, brand builder, script doctor, blockchain buff, print journalist, digital satirist, philosopher, idea merchant, social media eggist, token money maker, bluesky guy